Ancestors of Saul M. Montes-Bradley


19530574. Roger de Mortimer , 1st Earl of March, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland

A member of the Queen's party, he was arrested by Edward III and tried for several charges, including his part in Edward II's murder.

19530582. Sir Robert de Holand , Knt.

Secretary of Thomas, Earl of Lancaster to whom owed his advancement. In th 15th of Edward I, promised Thomas, Earl of Lancaster aid in his insurrection but was unable to perform.

19530632. Robert de Neville

Robert Nevill, married 54th of Henry III (1270), Mary, eldest daughter and co-heir of Ralph Fitz-Randolph, Lord of Middleham, by which marriage he acquired that manor, with the Manor of Houton, County Norfolk and Snape County, York. He died in the lifetime of his father.
[Kin of Mellcene Thurman Smith, 833]

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