Ancestors of Saul M. Montes-Bradley


74. Capt. Richard Sutton , shipmaster

Shipmaster, merchant, and innkeeper
[Murray, Thomas; The Story of the Irish in Argentina, New York, 1919]

Military Service:
Sep 1814, Private. Capt. C. Barnes' Company, Lieut. Col. M. Nichols' Regiment. From Sep 7 to Sep 19, and Sep 28 to Oct 27, 1814. Raised at Portland. Portland Artillery Company.

1821-1827, Shipmaster, Broad Street, Portsmouth, New Hampshire, USA
[Portland City Directories]

3 May 1824, Arrives in Boston from Buenos Aires on the "Crus"; age 45
[Balto-Boston-Phila Passenger Lists]

1827, Sutton & Co., Buenos Aires, Argentina
[The British Packet and Argentine News, Nº 61, 6 October 1827]

1828, Sutton & Co., Buenos Aires, Argentina
[The British Packet and Argentine News, Nº 117, 1 November 1828]

8 Oct 1828, Judgement in favour of Richard William Sherwood of Port Antonia, Jamaica, in the amount of $ 4364.50 plus costs and tax.
[Rockingham County Deeds, Book 258, Page 357]

1829, Sutton, Gregory & Cía., Merchants and Forwarders, Buenos Aires, Argentina
[Almanaque de comercio para la ciudad de Buenos Aires, 1829, p. 16]

7 July 1829, Arrives in New York from Curaçao on the "Napoleon", age 50
[Balto-Boston-Phila Passenger Lists]

Oct 1829, Arrives in Buenos Aires on the "Jon"

1830, Sutton, Gregory & Cía., Merchants and Forwarders, Buenos Aires, Argentina
[Almanaque de comercio para la ciudad de Buenos Aires, 1830, p. 102]

29 Aug 1835, Arrives in Buenos Aires at the command of the "Potomac," the first voyage by a steamboat from New York to Buenos Aires.
[The British Packet and Argentine News, 5 September 1835]

78. Ferdinando (Friedrich Heinrich) Lamping , merchant and arms maker

Almanaque de comercio para la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, (Buenos Aires), 1829, p. 39 & 65, Armero, Calle Paz, 40.
Almanaque de comercio para la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, (Buenos Aires), 1836, p. 29, Lamping-Fernández, Armería, Calle Paz, 40.

Relationship to parents is probable but not proven.

He was hired by Mariano Moreno in England or Holland, under direction of the Assembly of 1813, to be the first arms maker in the United Provinces during their war of independence.

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