Ancestors of Saul M. Montes-Bradley

Thirty-first Generation


1244984806. Andronicus Ducas was born in 1036. He died in 1077. He married Maria of Bulgaria , Protovestiaria. [Parents]

1244984807. Maria of Bulgaria , Protovestiaria. [Parents]


1244984816. Géza I , King of Hungary died 1 in 1077. He married Synadena. [Parents]

1244984817. Synadena [Parents]


1244984818. Svyatopolk II Mikhail , Grand Duke of Kiev is printed as #1244984474.


1244984824. Vladimir II Monomakh , Grand Duke of Kiev was born in 1053 in Kiev, Ukraine. He died 1 on 19 May 1125. He married Ghyta (Gunnilda) Haralsdottir in 1074 in Kiev, Ukraine. [Parents]

1244984825. Ghyta (Gunnilda) Haralsdottir. [Parents]


1244984826. Inge I "the Elder" Stenkilsson , King of Sweden was born about 1055. He died in 1110. He married Helen. [Parents]

1244984827. Helen.


1244985352. Roger de Pîtres , Sheriff of Gloucester


1244985472. Robert de Bruce was born about 1030 in (of) Carrick, Argyllshire, Scotland. He died in 1081. He married Emma de Bretagne. [Parents]


1244985473. Emma de Bretagne was born about 1062. She died about 1094.


1244985474. Waldron de Saint Clare was born about 1015 in (of) Normandie, France. He married Helena le Bon.

1244985475. Helena le Bon was born about 1030 in (of) Normandie, France.


1244985486. Osbern FitzRichard , Lord of Richard's Castle, Lord of Byron.Osbern married Nesta verch Gruffydd.

1244985487. Nesta verch Gruffydd is printed as #1244983461.


1244986120. Sancho III Garcés "el Mayor" , Rey de Navarra, Conde de Aragón, Ribagorza y Sobrarbe was born in 991. He died on 18 Oct 1035 in murdered. He married Munia Sánchez de Castilla in 1010. [Parents]

1244986121. Munia Sánchez de Castilla was born in 995. She died after 1066. [Parents]


1244986122. Alfonso V , Rey de León died 1 in 1028. He married Elvira.

1244986123. Elvira.


1244986128. Wilfred (Guifre) "the Hairy" , Conde de Barcelona, Conde de Giron-Osona, Conde de Urgell-Cerdanya died 1 in 897 in battle with the Moors. He married Gunhilda (Windinille) of Flanders. [Parents]

1244986129. Gunhilda (Windinille) of Flanders was born about 864. [Parents]


1244986304. Roger de Montgomery , 1st Earl of Shrewsbury is printed as #622491928.

1244986305. Mabille Talvas ,Comtesse d'Alençon et Bellême is printed as #622491929.


1244986306. Guy I , Comte de Ponthieu died in 1101. He married Ada. [Parents]

1244986307. Ada.


1244986310. Guillaume I , Comte de Bourgogne

1244986311. Stephanie


1249956544. Richard FitzGilbert de Clare was born in 1085 in Hertford, Hertfordshire, England. He died on 15 Apr 1136 in (near) Abergavenay, Wales, slain in a skirmish with Welsh yeomen. He married Adeliza de Meschines. [Parents]

1249956545. Adeliza de Meschines was born about 1089 in Hertford, Hertfordshire, England. She died in 1128. [Parents]


1249956546. James de St. Hillary


1249956548. Robert FitzRoy de Caen , Earl of Gloucester was born 1, 2 in 1090/1095. He died 3, 4 on 31 Oct 1147 in Bristol, Gloucestershire, England. He married Mabel FitzRobert , Countess of Gloucester in 1109. [Parents]


1249956549. Mabel FitzRobert , Countess of Gloucester was born about 1090 in England. She died in 1157 in Bristol, Gloucestershire, England. [Parents]


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