Ancestors of Saul M. Montes-Bradley

Thirtieth Generation


624981650. Henry , 9th Earl of Northumberland, Earl of Huntingdon is printed as #155623170.

624981651. Ada (Adama) (Adeline) de Warenne is printed as #155623171.


624981652. Hendrik , Count van Gelre was born about 1124. He married Agnes von Arnstein.

624981653. Agnes von Arnstein was born about 1128.


624981654. OttoI , Duke of Bavaria was born about 1147. He married Agnes , Comtesse de Looz.

624981655. Agnes , Comtesse de Looz was born about 1151.


624981746. Bertold III , Duke of Meran.


624981748. Manolis Laskaris was born in 1140. He married Ioanna Karatzaina.

624981749. Ioanna Karatzaina was born in 1148.


624981750. Alexios III Angelos , Emperor of the East was born about 1143 in (of) Constantinople, Turkey. He died after 1211. He married Euphrosyna Dukaina Kamaterina about 1155 in Constantinople, Turkey. [Parents]

624981751. Euphrosyna Dukaina Kamaterina was born about 1163 in Constantinople, Turkey. She died about 1211 in Arta, Epirus. [Parents]


624985088. Gamel , Lord of Musgrave was born about 1030 in Musgrave, Westmoreland, England.


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