Ancestors of Saul M. Montes-Bradley

Twenty-seventh Generation


77811546. Matthieu I d'Alsace , Comte de Boulogne, Count of Flanders was born about 1137 in (of) Flanders, Belgium. He died 1 in 1173. He married 2 Marie , Countess of Romsey Mortain in 1160. [Parents]

77811547. Marie , Countess of Romsey Mortain was born about 1131 in (of) Blois, Loir-et-Cher, France. She died 1 in 1182 in St. Austrebert, near Montreuil, Eure-et-Loir, France. She was buried in St. Austrebert, near Montreuil, Eure-et-Loir, France. [Parents]


77811548. Frederick "Barbarossa" , Holy Roman Emperor was born in 1122 in (of) Swaben, Bavaria. He died on 10 Jun 1190 in Palestine. He married Beatrix de Bourgogne , Countess Palatine on 16 Jun 1156. [Parents]

77811549. Beatrix de Bourgogne , Countess Palatine was born in 1145. She died on 15 Nov 1184. [Parents]


77811550. Isaac II Angelos , Emperor of the East was born about 1155 in Constantinople, Turkey. He died before 12 Apr 1204 in Constantinople, Turkey. He married Margit of Hungary in 1185. [Parents]

77811551. Margit of Hungary was born about 1160 in Esztergom, Hungary. [Parents]


77811568. William de Beauchamp was born about 1180. He married Joan (Berthad) de St. Waleries. [Parents]

77811569. Joan (Berthad) de St. Waleries. [Parents]


77811580. Roger Bigod , 2nd Earl of Norfolk and Suffolk, Stewart of England is printed as #77810818.

77811581. Isabella (Ida) de Warenne is printed as #77810819.


77811584. Humphrey de Bohun , Earl of Hereford, Constable of England was born about 1150 in Gloucester, England. He died 1 in 1182. He married 2 Margaret de Huntingdon in May 1175 in England. [Parents]

77811585. Margaret de Huntingdon was born in 1152 in Northumberland, England. She died in 1201. [Parents]


77811586. Geoffrey FitzPiers , Earl of Essex is printed as #38905788.

77811587. Aveline de Clare is printed as #38905789.


77811592. William de Braose was born about 1150 in Bramber, Co. Sussex, England. He died on 9 Aug 1211 in Corbeil, Marne, France. He was buried in Abbey of Saint Victor. He married Lady Maud Saint Walery de la Haie. [Parents]

77811593. Lady Maud Saint Walery de la Haie was born about 1150 in Bramber, Co. Sussex, England. She died in 1210 in Corfe, Windsor, England, starved to death at Windsor Castle. [Parents]


77811594. William de Briwere was born about 1145 in Stoke, Devonshire, England. He died in 1226 in Devonshire, England. He married Beatrice de Vaux. [Parents]

77811595. Beatrice de Vaux was born about 1149 in Stoke, Devonshire, England.


77811632. Alfonso VII Raimúndez "el Emperador" , Rey de Aragón, Conde de Castilla was born on 1 Mar 1104/1105 in Castilla, Spain. He died on 21 Aug 1157 in Fresneda, Spain. He married Berenguela Berenguer in 1128. [Parents]

77811633. Berenguela Berenguer was born about 1105 in Barcelona, Spain. She died on 3 Feb 1148/1149 in Palencia, Spain. [Parents]


77811634. Alfonso I Henríques , King of Portugal was born on 25 Jul 1110. He died on 6 Dec 1185. He married Maud (Matilda) of Savoy in 1146. [Parents]

77811635. Maud (Matilda) of Savoy was born in 1111. She died in 1157. [Parents]


77811640. Alberic I , Comte de Dammartin was born about 1100. He married Clemence de Barcelona in 1150.

77811641. Clemence de Barcelona was born about 1120.


77811644. Jean I , Comte de Ponthieu was born about 1135. He died in 1191. He married Beatrice de St. Pol before 1179. [Parents]

77811645. Beatrice de St. Pol was born about 1135. [Parents]


77811646. Louis VII , King of France is printed as #77811536.

77811647. Constancia de Castilla was born after 1140 in Castile, Spain. She died 1 on 4 Oct 1160 in Castile, Spain. [Parents]


78122284. Sir Richard , 6th Earl of Hereford & Clare, Earl of Gloucester was born 1 on 4 Aug 1222 in Gloucester, England. He died 2 on 15 Jul 1262 in Canterbury, Kent, England. He married Lady Maud (Matlda) de Lacy on 25 Jan 1237/1238 in England. [Parents]

78122285. Lady Maud (Matlda) de Lacy was born about 1220 in England. She died 1 before 10 Mar 1288/1289 in England. [Parents]


78122286. Edward I "Longshanks" , King of England is printed as #4863226.

78122287. Eleonora de Castilla is printed as #4863227.


78122300. Geoffrey , 1st Baron de Geneville was born about 1226 in Dublin, Ireland. He died on 21 Oct 1314. He married Maud de Lacy in 1253. [Parents]

78122301. Maud de Lacy was born about 1233 in Dublin, Ireland. She died on 11 Apr 1304. [Parents]


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